
This article was written on 05 Apr 2011, and is filed under Alpine Bookings Newsletter.

Newsletter 5/4/2011

Last feature release for this season – after that, a feature freeze, until the thaw.

The “lodge unavailable” facility has been generalised and renamed “lodge special periods”.  Still called “lodge availability” in the admin menu.  Now, when defining a date range, you can choose whether bookings are allowed or not.  Previously with this facility, bookings are prevented.  The idea is to be able to identify a period with special characteristics, e.g.  “noisy kids week” or “painters in upstairs” so that members know before they arrive.  The mouseover text is shown also to non-members, if you are allowing bookings, but only shown to members, if bookings are prevented.

When bookings are allowed, this is not represented by a colour in the booking matrix, since we still need to show the bookings.  Instead we use a background image, which is a cross-hatching.

Other changes in this release are minor improvements and bug fixes.

Now all we need is plenty of snow!