
This article was written on 29 Aug 2009, and is filed under Alpine Bookings Newsletter.

Newsletter 29/8/2009

Enhancements in your system now

  • Another new report, and reports page made easier.  Some reports are on-screen, while others are downloads in spreadsheet format (CSV).  These are now presented side by side on the same page instead of mixed up together.  A new on-screen report is now live which shows bookings in order of the date the booking was created, oldest first.  By selecting “TENTATIVE” status, you can see the TENTATIVE bookings that have expired and buttons allow you to cancel, edit or send an invoice email directly from the report screen.

  • When you edit member details, there is now a “date financial” field which can be used to show the date up to which a member is financial.  A button is provided to advance this field by one year.  Contact us if you would like us to load up this year’s dates for you in bulk.
  • Site config (under booking details) has two new fields: require members to login in order to obtain member rates, and if this is “yes” you can also require members to be financial to obtain member rates.
  • If you require members to login in order to obtain member rates, an offer to login is provided at step 2 of the booking process.  This is the same offer that is there during periods when only members can book.  After login, the member proceeds without having to start their booking again.
  • The site config has a section “Access permissions” which controls who can view or use each page on the site.  Now when you set these values, it will automatically control the menu that is shown at the top of the screen – only showing options that are available to the person who is logged in.

Enhancements due later this year

  • You will be able to set a maximum number of people in a single booking.  Does not stop a large group from making two separate bookings covering the same period however.
  • New table for you to define classes of member.  This will include an annual membership fee applicable.  Select one of these classes for each member.
  • Ability for members to pay annual fees online (automatically updates financial date for member, see above).
  • Ability to bulk email members, selecting by financial status and member type.

Don’t forget to bring down any discarded metal ski poles – the Melbourne Bicycle Polo Club thanks you!